The Vexed Question of Catholic Women, Abortion and Public Policy
A respectful sharing and information-gathering session for CNWE members on topics including:
- the history of Catholic teaching on abortion
- the status of abortion in Canada
- the politics of Church teaching on abortion
- conscience and Catholic women
- towards peace and a common ground
Facilitator: Rosemary Ganley
Rosemary helps organize women’s events in Peterborough, Ontario and does development work in Jamaica. A long time CNWE member, she was assistant editor of Catholic New Times in Toronto (2001-2006), and teaches feminist theology in Jamaica and in Canada. Her writing has appeared in the Globe and Mail, the Toronto STAR, the Peterborough Examiner, the Green Teacher and Conscience magazine. She also volunteers with Catholics for Choice Canada. A second wave feminist, Rosemary attended the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, where religion was, for the first time at a UN meeting, a topic of inquiry. She is the winner of several awards for her work, including the Canada 150 Medal, the YWCA Woman of the Year Prize, and a Trent University Citation for community involvement. Interested in the intersection of women’s studies and the religions, she has studied liberation theologies at Regis College in Toronto and at Boston College. Rosemary has three sons and seven grandchildren. Most importantly, she paddled the Yukon River in 2009 (330 kilometers), with a group of senior women and lives to tell the tale.
Friday 24 June 2011
9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Tilley Hall, Room 8
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
Cost: $35.00 per person which includes lunch
To register contact Cathy Holtmann: or (506) 366-1081 home.