Part two of this series of annotated websites that can be used to support feminist spiritualities continues with highlights of more resources related to the ordination of women.
St. Brigid’s of Kildare is a great site regularly maintained for and by the supporters of this RCWP community in Alberta. You can also opt to receive their newsletter via email. Saint Brigid’s of Kildare Catholic Faith Community is a place of welcome, joy, support, exploration and love for those who desire to participate in the growth and renewal of the Roman Catholic church.
This is the website for an extremely new community developing in BC’s lower mainland. Our Lady of Guadalupe Tonantzin is a growing community based in east Vancouver. We anticipate the ordination of the first Roman Catholic WomanPriest for the area in late July and hope to gather together for worship at least once a month shortly thereafter.
U.S. RCWP Bridget Mary Meehan’s personal blog has frequent updates of RCWP events and other relevant news items. Living Gospel Equality Now: Loving in the Heart of God: Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests is her latest book, a memoir of sorts about her journey to priesthood:
U.S. ARCWP Diane Dougherty’s blogspot also has frequent updates on ARCWP events and relevant news items.
WATER or the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual is an international community of justice-seeking people who promote the use of feminist religious values to make social change. A feminist educational center and network of justice-seekers, WATER brings twenty-eight years of experience to programs and publications, liturgical planning and consultation, workshops and retreats, counseling and spiritual direction which have helped thousands of people create and sustain inclusive communities in society and religion.
CORPUS is a faith community affirming an inclusive priesthood rooted in a reformed and renewed Church. CORPUS is celebrating thirty-eight years of service to the people of God. One of the oldest reform groups in the Catholic Church, it is active in reform movements both in the U.S. and abroad. They are committed to working for a renewed priesthood of married and single men and women dedicated to serving God through the community of believers.
Catherine of Sienna College is promoting gender equality and empowering women for life and leadership through gender and women’s studies!
Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc. (FSR, Inc.) is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to foster feminist studies in religion in all of its variety and diversity.
Let us know what your favourite bookmarks are in terms of women’s ordination.