Paula MacQuarrie served as the chair of the CNWE national working group and resides in Island View, NB. She shares some of her favourite links in order to help us learn more about and act on our interconnection with all of creation. As a grandmother, she wants her grandchildren to have the opportunity to experience the multitude of ways that God is revealed in our world, many of which are threatened by climate change. Websites on ecology run the gamut from eco-feminism (the social movement regarding oppression of women and nature as interconnected), to creation spirituality, to nature trusts and conservancies.
Rosemary Radford Ruether, an author, theologian, pioneer in the area of feminist and liberation theology in North America, describes herself as an eco-feminist. An advocate of women’s ordination, she is a critic of war and a board member of Catholics for Choice.
David Suzuki is a Canadian scientist, broadcaster, author and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, who brings awareness of ecological disasters that we can do something about. His mission is to protect the diversity of nature and quality of life now and in the future.
Matthew Fox wrote “Original Blessing” (as opposed to original sin) is a theologian and former Dominion priest, and a proponent of creation-centered theology, body prayer, and art as meditation. His work is considered feminist and ecology-centered and more accepting of homosexuality than Church orthodoxy.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is established in 10 provinces, protects areas of natural diversity for their intrinsic value and for the benefit of our children and those after them. They will lead, innovate and use creativity in the conservation of Canada’s natural heritage and secure important national areas through their purchase, donation or other mechanisms, and then manage these properties for the long term because, the Earth’s biological diversity is being lost at a ratio that impoverishes our quality of life and threatens our future.