CNWE goes to Call to Action!

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As in previous years, a contingent of CNWE members attended the Call to Action Conference “Justice Rising” in Louisville, Kentucky November 8-11, 2012.

We heard from civil rights activist Dianne Nash and her concept of “agapic energy” (non-violent resistance and work for change. Nash spoke of her experience in 1960 of staging sit-ins at segregated lunch counters in Nashville that led to equal rights for African Americans. Matthew Fox challenged us on Saturday to see how the Holy Spirit, in these dark times, is calling elders and young alike to connect with one another and to find creative ways of going forward – with fire in our bellies! On Saturday evening Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez addressed Call to Action and urged us to challenge our negative sterotypes about Islam and rather to see, especially in the ‘Arab Spring’ the common ground of a desire for democracy and freedom in the Middle East. And on Sunday, Patricia Fresen in her address “Less Pope, More Jesus” pointed to the growing desire for reform in the church and an end to clericalism, hierarchical authoritarianism, restorationism and misogyny. There were many other enlightening workshops and as always, the conversations in between are rich with emails exchanged and encouragement shared. The closing Eucharist among a discipleship of equals was wonder-full!!