Make CNWE Part of Your New Year’s Resolutions

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Want to make 2015 a better year? Then consider buying a gift subscription of The Seed Keepers for someone you know. Charges of sexual assault laid against a well-known media personality and reports of harassment that went unaddressed by leaders of the CBC for years serve as a reminder to all Canadians that women’s equality is far from assured in any institution.

For over 30 years, members of CNWE have been working for structural change in the Catholic church and the world.  The Seed Keepers is a great way for pro-change Catholics to learn about the work that is being done across Canada and elsewhere.

Subscribers get three issues per year full of inspirational stories, reports of events, book reviews, information on resources and theological reflections.  A gift subscription is just one way that we all can “reach out” to those who could use a little nudge in order to become more involved in the struggle for gender equality.

A subscription to The Seed Keepers is just $12 and readers can choose to receive the publication in digital or paper format.  To place your order or to get more information email the editor, Virginia Lafond today:

Still not sure?  Check out some past issues here: